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Licensing and Regulatory Bureau
The Licensing and Regulatory Bureau (LRB) is comprised of four sections: The Applicant Processing Section, the Security Guard/Private Investigator Licensing Unit, and the Concealed Weapons Permit Unit, and the Regulatory and Compliance Section. The LRB is managed by an Administrative Manager with a staff consisting of an Administrative Assistant and two Administrative Services Officers. The LRB is funded through collection of fees for services, and receives no annual general fund monies except for the Regulatory and Compliance Section. The LRB has an annual budget of approximately $15,000,000.
Applicant Processing Section
The Applicant Processing Section is comprised the Applicant Clearance Card Team (ACCT) and the Applicant Processing Team (APT).
The Applicant Clearance Card Team (ACCT) is also responsible for producing the Arizona Fingerprint Clearance Card for those individuals who have unsupervised contact with children or other potentially vulnerable populations.
The Applicant Processing Team (APT) is responsible for conducting criminal fingerprint-based background checks for noncriminal justice agencies as authorized by statute, ordinance, or executive order.
Private Investigator and Security Guard Licensing Unit
The Private Investigator and Security Guard Licensing Unit (Licensing Unit) oversees the issuance of Private Investigator and Security Guard registration certificates and agency licenses to qualifying applicants.
Click here for additional information on licensing.
Regulatory and Compliance Section
The Regulatory and Compliance Section currently consists of the Sex Offender Compliance Unit (SOCU). The SOCU ensures the accurate and timely entry, and annual verification of required sex offender registration information. The SOCU is also responsible for the publication of level 2 and 3 sex offender information on the AZ DPS public website.