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Human Resources
The Human Resources Bureau (HRB) manages a variety of employment services, including recruitment, hiring, promotions, and retirements, as well as the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS). The HRB is located at the DPS Headquarters, and its leadership includes a major, a captain, two sergeants, and three professional staff supervisors.
The HRB consists of five work units focused on recruiting and hiring new employees while providing employee health, wellness, and benefits services. The work units include sworn selection and recruiting, professional staff selection, the employee services unit, the employee assistance program, and the polygraph unit.
During fiscal year 2023, some of HRB’s successes included the addition of critical HRB staff to increase efficiencies and decrease applicant processing times and the implementation of an enhanced recruiting campaign which includes diverse advertising across online, electronic, print, and billboard platforms. The HRB created internship classifications to allow high school and college students, along with military members, the opportunity to pursue educational and career opportunities. The HRB has expanded social media recruitment and community engagement and recruited talented individuals with the skillsets to meet the Department’s mission. These successes led to a net increase of 4.6% (87) employees.
Moving into Fiscal Year 2024, the HRB will continue to work steadfastly and meet the challenges of recruiting and filling critical positions. The HRB will expand on its strategic marketing practices and leverage advanced data analytics to implement effective recruiting campaigns. The HRB will continue to partner with schools, businesses, the military, and community groups to build and cultivate partnerships and advance recruiting and hiring efforts.