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Chaplaincy Program Service
The Department's Chaplaincy Program was initiated to provide ethical, emotional, and spiritual support and follow-up care to all employees and their family members and to support the Department's mission. Our Chaplains are experienced professionals who have completed specialized training that provides them with the skills necessary to serve effectively within the law enforcement community. While representing various religious beliefs and traditions, Chaplains support employees, their family members, and the Department by providing general pastoral care and support.
Our Chaplains proactively serve by personally interacting with employees at all levels within the Department through office visits, phone calls, patrol ride-alongs, squad meetings, or other chaplain-initiated activities.
Chaplains satisfy many roles and responsibilities which include:
- Providing privileged and confidential counseling within the frame work of non-denominational guidance to employees and family members.
- Providing spiritual guidance and support as requested to employees or family members of any or no religious background.
- At the request of the employee or family member, making hospital and home visitations during times of illness, injury, pain or suffering.
- Serving as a member of the Department's peer support or critical incident stress management response team.
- Offering prayers on special occasions and events such as awards ceremonies and memorial services.
- Providing assistance conducting funerals, memorial services and wedding for department personnel or their families.
- Supporting Department personnel at collision scenes or in difficult situations by, consoling victims and calming witnesses. Chaplains are trained by helping people through stressful and difficult times.
- Assisting with next of kin notifications for serious injuries or death
Currently, the department has 27 Chaplains throughout most of the state. They are available on a 24-hour basis if needed. Our chaplains are honored to serve with and support all employees and their families. For further information, contact Human Resources at (602)223-2290.