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Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victims Assistance - DPS VOCA Administration Unit
Overview/Mission Statement
Every victim of crime is entitled to safety, healing, justice and restitution. The mission of the Arizona Department of Public Safety's VOCA Administration Unit is to effectively administer VOCA Assistance funds by ensuring appropriate and accessible services are available to crime victims, enhancing the delivery of those services through technical assistance, training opportunities, and promoting a continuum of care for every victim in every community.
Crime Victims Fund
The Department of Justice, Crime Victims Fund was established by the Federal Victims of Crime Act of 1984 (VOCA) and serves as a major funding source for victim services throughout the country. Each year, millions of dollars are deposited into this fund from criminal fines, forfeited bail bonds, penalty fees and special assessments collected by the US Attorney’s Offices, US Courts and the Bureau of Prisons. These dollars all come from offenders convicted of federal crimes.
In 1985, the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) was designated as the administrator of the state’s VOCA Assistance Program. The purpose of this program is to provide funding for governmental and non-profit agencies that provide direct services to crime victims. These funds are not awarded to private individuals.
The purpose of the VOCA funding is to promote efforts that:
- Respond to the emotional, psychological or physical needs of crime victims;
- Assist victims to stabilize their lives after victimization;
- Assist victims to understand and participate in the criminal justice system; or
- Restore a measure of security and safety for the victim.
Recipients of VOCA funding offer a wide variety of services to crime victims including:
- Information and Referral Services, such as:
- Information about the criminal justice process
- Information about victim rights, how to obtain notifications, etc.
- Referral to other victim service programs
- Referral to other services, supports, and resources
- Personal Advocacy and Accompaniment Services, such as:
- Victim advocacy/accompaniment to emergency medical care or medical forensic exam
- Individual advocacy
- Immigration assistance
- Transportation assistance
- Interpreter services
- Emotional Support and/or Safety Services, such as:
- Crisis intervention
- Hotline/crisis line counseling
- On-scene crisis response
- Individual counseling
- Therapy and/or Support groups
- Shelter and/or Housing Services, such as:
- Emergency shelter or safe house
- Transitional housing
- Relocation assistance (includes assistance with obtaining housing)
- Criminal and/or Civil Justice System Services, such as:
- Notification of criminal justice events
- Victim impact statement assistance
- Restitution Assistance
- Civil legal assistance in obtaining protection or restraining order
- Law enforcement and/or Prosecution interview advocacy/accompaniment
- Criminal justice advocacy/accompaniment
To review the VOCA program guidelines and learn of new funding opportunities, visit:
The DPS VOCA Unit and its VOCA sub-recipient organizations are prohibited, by federal law, from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disability in funded programs or activities, not only in respect to employment practices but also in the delivery of services or benefits. Federal law also prohibits funded programs or activities from discriminating on the basis of age in the delivery of services or benefits.
The Arizona Criminal Justice Commission administers the Crime Victim Compensation Program.