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Public Services Portal
The Department of Public Safety is pleased to announce a better way to access your needed services. The new website, the Public Services Portal (PSP), has been designed as a one-stop shop. It offers the public direct access to services, including Fingerprint Clearance, Licensing, and Records.
This improved online and automated process will reduce wait times and facilitate transactions. Create an account now to begin the new process for obtaining Fingerprint Clearance Cards, Security Guard Licensing, Private Investigator Licensing, and Records Requests.
For Technical Support on the (PSP) Public Services Portal for Fingerprints, Licensing, or Records, please get in touch with them at (602) 223-2999 and select option 8.
Citizen Report Of A Collision
This reporting tool provides a convenient way to submit information regarding a minor vehicle collision and obtain a police report number, which your insurance company may require.
Background Check
Background checks needed for employment or licensure.
Criminal History Review or Challenge
Have you ever been involved in a criminal incident as a suspect? Review or challenge your criminal history record here.
Security Guard or Private Investigator License
This is for security guards or private investigators seeking to apply for a license, renew an existing one, or replace an active one.
Fingerprint Clearance Card
For individuals seeking to apply for a new fingerprint clearance card, request a replacement card, or check the status of a card.
Employer or Sponsor Accounts
An opportunity for employers or sponsors to log into their accounts.
Request a Report or Records
Allows individuals to request records or reports from the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
Security Guard or Private Investigator Complaints
Provides individuals with an option to file a complaint against a security guard or private investigator.
Student Transportation
School bus drivers, this area is for you.
Vehicle Impounds
Learn how to get your vehicle back after being impounded.